Hope you all had a Great Easter!
How far along? 35 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Mostly maxi dresses, skirts and workout clothes. Trying to get away with what I have for these last few weeks
Sleep: Still sleeping good
Best moment this week: It has been so fun to go through all the little baby clothes and get everything ready for this little baby Fast, we are not done but we are closer than we were the week before. We had our weekly appt and all went well she is head down and happy. Celebrating Easter and having family come visit us.
Miss Anything? Not really. I have really enjoyed the last trimester more than I thought I would
Movement: Moving all the time unless I want you to feel her move. She must be shy :)
Food Cravings: Still loving fruit and anything sweet.
Gender: A baby Girl!
Labor Signs: No. Wonder if I will have Braxton Hicks contractions
Symptoms: Just getting so excited to me our baby girl! Can't believe she could be here in 3-7 weeks depending on if she is early or late. If she is like her mom and dad she will be late :)
Looking forward to: Our weekly appt and getting in as many visits as we can with friends and family before this little one arrives.
The Easter Bunny brought us some visitors Sunday night!
awww Meredith and Claire are growing - changing every time I see them. Glad you had a chance to visit with them. Toots