How far along? 31 Weeks ( 21 for Lisa & 29 for Kyra)
Total weight gain: we find out this week
Maternity clothes? Yep. Although the dress I wore to the shower was not maternity and I love Jon’s sweats
Sleep: Still sleeping good getting some “it is time to wake up and eat kicks”.
Best moment this week: We had such an amazing week, my girlfriends from college threw a shower for baby fast and we were so overwhelmed with all the love and gifts this little girl received to say we feel blessed is an understatement.
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night without getting up to go to the bathroom
Movement: Still lots of movement I am pretty sure she did a somersault in there last night. It was more of a rolling feeling than a kick
Food Cravings: Still anything sweet and I make anyone who stays with us share in my addiction to spinach smoothies… they really are the greatest thing ever.
Gender: A baby Girl!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Feeling really good.
Looking forward to: Our check up this week, Jon’s birthday!! putting away all the fun baby gifts we were given and finding someone to take newborn pics for us. Can't believe she will be here in 9 weeks give or take
Best Tip of the Week: My cousin Kristen told me that some insurance companies will cover breastpumps. So I called today and felt a little awkward asking but go figure they cover 80%... who knew!
Kyra ( due May 28), Lexi, Jen, Me ( due May 13th), Gretchen ( due June 26th), Katie P, Katie J, Lisa ( due with twins July 18th)
*** All of the amazing pictures were taken by Kyra. Love them all.
" A baby is a small member of the family that makes love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, the home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for." Quote shared by The Schmoke family
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